Hey Guys, Thanks for checking out my site, here’s a little about me. I was Born in Eugene Oregon, but grew up in the Arizona sunshine! I am one of four kids to a single mother who did a good job wrangling us most days! My mom was a big adventure so I am big on trying new things and being outside. My ideal weekend would be going up north and either camping or hiking with my Dog Diezel. My Love for Real Estate started at a young age, I loved going to open houses and new build tours on the weekends. Unfortunately everyone turned my mom down and wouldn’t take the time to help her get prepared to buy. After seeing how discouraged she was I knew I wanted to help people like her, After watching what she went through I always wanted to help people get into their dream home. Everyone deserves to own. So here I am loving every minute of it. I’m here to help you find your dream home!